Scale Inhibitor Solution

Maximize System Lifespan with Antiscalant Additives

Scale Inhibitor in Oil and Gas Wells

Empowering Oilfield Efficiency
with Innovative Scale Inhibitor Dispersant

Inorganic scaling, if not addressed, can cause blockages in various parts of the oil and gas production process, such as reservoir pores, sand control screens, well tubular, flow-lines, and facilities. This leads to issues like valve failures, pump malfunctions, heat-exchanger inefficiency, and increased corrosion. To tackle this, at DOSAS we are developing a large range of new, more specialized scale inhibitor chemistry and formulations including polyphosphate, phosphonate and polymers for specific applications.

DosTreat™ Scale Inhibitor Chemical

Address Specific Scale-Forming Challenges

The effectiveness of scale inhibitor function is directly influenced by certain features and conditions. Understanding these helps DOSAS choose the right tests, conduct lab assessments properly and offer the best scale inhibitor type.

  • Topside & Water Injection Scale Inhibitor

    Stop Scale Buildup on Topside Surfaces with Specialized Inhibitors

    Keep equipment free of scale when it is either (safety) critical or very susceptible to even small amounts of scale

    Flow lines, Manifold, and Surface Facilities

  • Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Treatment

    React with the reservoir and slowly releases back into the produced fluids

    Preventing formation damage for uninterrupted productivity;

    Maximizing treatment lifespan to meet predetermined goals.

    Aqueous, Non-Aqueous, & Invert emulsion systems

  • Scale Inhibitor Injection to Downhole

    Qualified for high downhole temperature & pressure, plus low seabed flowline temperature

    Prevent aspects, such as gunking, instability leading to solids formation or high viscosities in the injection flowline,

    Prevent instability leading to the formation of components or phases with increased corrosivity.

    Umbilical, Capillary, and Gas Lift Injections

Key Criteria for Real-World Scale Inhibition Technology

To ensure an antiscalant is effective and safe for real-world use, its testing method must closely align with actual scaling issues. Scale inhibitor composition performance, while important, is just one factor. DOSAS Scale inhibitor solutions are designed to meet a range of criteria to be safely applied without harming the systems:

• Thermal stability,
• Compatibility with brine, fluids, and surfaces,
• Evaluations for formation damage.

Scale Inhibitor in Oil and Gas Technology

At DOSAS, we take pride in being a prominent manufacturer in the oil and gas industry, specializing in cost-effective scale inhibitors. Our commitment to innovation enables us to utilize state-of-the-art techniques and advanced laboratory facilities to optimize our scale inhibitor testing.

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