Our converters fully meet compliance standards including FAA, EASA, CAAC, OSHA and REACH assuring the highest performance with full compliance.
Our Integrated Quality Management (IMS) is founded on constant improvement, which is the key element of our company objectives. Through our Quality Management System, we can ensure effective communication frameworks, liability and commitment across all sectors of our work, leading us to higher customer satisfaction, enhanced operations and business growth. Our specialist staff and our professional experts constantly ensure the optimization of all operational workflows, promoting insight amongst our employees, auditing suppliers, and our client security.
Manegment System Certificate
DOSAS provides customers reliable services which meet their specific requirements and quality standards whilst ensuring our business activities and services are undertaken in a safe, healthy, ethical, and environmentally responsible manner. We are fully committed to the delivery of the IMS policy and in doing so maintain a management system by ISO 9001:2015, ISO 29001:2020, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 14001:2015 standards and processes to support this delivery.
ISO 9001:2015
This certification demonstrates that our manufacturing, quality assurance product development, and quality control operations are certified to ISO 9001 standards.
ISO 14001:2015
This certification demonstrates our compliance with environmental legislation, regulations, and client requirements.
ISO 45001:2018
DOSAS is certified to ISO 45001:2018 related to the management system of occupational health and safety.
ISO 29001:2020
DOSAS is certified to ISO 29001:2020 related to Specific quality management systems – requirements for product and service supply organizations.
DOSAS is leading significant scientific and regulatory coalition work on REACH, the European Union’s Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals regulation. It is DOSAS’ commitment to comply fully with the REACH regulation. Our commitment includes helping customers understand their obligations under REACH and working with suppliers to ensure our expectations under REACH are understood.
DOSAS facilities aim to achieve customer satisfaction and compliance to the handling, storage and transportation requirements of our customers. Interaction We work in close relationship with our clients and manufacturers to ensure we act in collaboration in order to achieve mutual goals. DOSAS is striving for service excellence so one of the key aspects we are looking after is compliance to specific customer requirements, including handling specification agreements and organizing Just in Time deliveries.
We are committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for both our employees and customers. Our goal is to achieve zero injuries and serious incidents. We do this by applying consistent and leading standards in people, product and process safety. Whatever the context, we are committed to complying with safety-related laws, and we all play our part in the company’s safety performance.
Our commitment to consistently improving the safety
is evident in our safety performance trend.
Our Eight GEMS (Getting Everyone Managing Safety) program is designed to educate employees and empower them to intervene when they see unsafe acts. Each GEM has an associated set of Rules to Live By which guide our employees’ behavior. Through this program, we have improved our employees’ ability to identify hazards, manage risk, and reduce incidents.
Operational Excellence
Our unwavering commitment to both local and global initiatives empowers us to not only learn valuable lessons but also to disseminate the most effective methodologies.
Through the lens of operational excellence, we illuminate a path that showcases our dedication to staying at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.
About Dosas
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Further Information
Hofplein 20
Rotterdam 3032 AC
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 103 40 1900
Email: Info@dosas.nl
Copyright DOSAS All Rights Reserved