Circulation losses are common in vugular or cavernous formations but occur most often in zones that are highly fractured or loosely consolidated. These zones can be hydraulically parted under relatively low hydrostatic pressures. The likelihood of lost circulation can be assessed using three key factors:
By understanding these variables, we can identify solutions by addressing one or more of them.
Mitigate Lost Circulation Materials
Lost circulation zones can be classified into various types, including unconsolidated sands, cavernous and vugular zones (such as limestone and dolomites), depleted formations, induced fractures, and natural fractures or faults. The severity of losses is categorized as follows:
seepage losses (<10 bbl/hr),
partial to severe losses (10–100 bbl/hr),
and total losses (>100 bbl/hr).
For tailored solutions to address specific loss-circulation challenges, contact DOSAS experts to design an effective lost-circulation job based on the severity and type of loss zone.
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Rotterdam 3032 AC
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 103 40 1900
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