Cementing Additives
At DOSAS, we are committed to providing state-of-the-art solutions for effective cementing operations in the oil and gas industry. Our cementing additives are tailored to improve the placement and long-term performance of cement slurries, ensuring reliable zonal isolation and robust wellbore sustainability across various environments.
Spacer package based on type of NAF base oil, temperature, and salt content.
Cementing Additives
Improve Zonal Isolatio, Bolster Your Casing, and Protect the Formation
Given the variability and complexity of oilfield cement systems, DOSAS evaluate each additive in the desired cement slurry design to determine the appropriate chemical for optimal performance. Our technical team provides guidance for optimizing additive dosage based on specific well conditions.
About Dosas
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Further Information
Hofplein 20
Rotterdam 3032 AC
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 103 40 1900
Email: Info@dosas.nl
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