Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor

Dual Function Technology

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Combined Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor Technology

Keep Flowing, Maintain Assets Over The Entire Life

DosTreat™ 100 Dual function scale and corrosion inhibitor, controls corrosion and scale in oilfield systems. Increasing asset reliability and optimize flow assurance strategies.

It prevents mineral scale formation from entering into precipitation reactions, adhere to the surface of scale crystals modifying nuclei or altering active growth sites properties and blocking them to delaying further expansion of crystal in a control way. It also acts as a film-forming corrosion inhibitor, adsorbing onto metal surfaces to provide protection in both brine and hydrocarbon phases in the Oil and Gas industry.

Technical Document

Brochure Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor

SDS Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor

TDS Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor


DOSAS Dual Function Technology

Synergizing Scale and Corrosion Inhibitions for Seamless Protection

Benzene Molecule

Single Application

Protects against scale and corrosion, prolonging infrastructure life and minimizing downtime.



Designed to be compatible with materials used in facilities, including seals, umbilicals, and flowlines.


Hydrate Prevention

Incorporates Gas Hydrate Inhibitor to prevent hydrate plugs in injection lines.

Cost effectiveness of produtc


Lower chemical consumption and reduced operational complexities translate to significant cost savings.

Dynamic Tube Blocking Test

Asses Scale Inhibitor in the Presence of Corrosion Inhibitor

Utilizing advanced polymeric scale inhibitors in DosTreat™ 100, our product effectively prevents the formation of common oilfield scales such as calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, and strontium sulfate. This is validated through both static bottle tests and dynamic tube blocking tests, ensuring reliable performance under varying conditions.

our product, DosTreatâ„¢ 100 effectively prevents the formation of calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, and strontium sulfate.

Lab and field tests confirm reduced corrosion rates, even in harsh, high-salinity, and high-temperature environments.

Linear Polarization Resistance

Asses Subtle Interference Effects in Corrosion Inhibition

DosTreat™ 100 formulated with quaternary amine salts and imidazolines, provides excellent corrosion resistance. Laboratory and field tests show significant reduction in corrosion rates, even in harsh environments with high brine salinity and temperature variations.

Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor Monitoring

Our dual function inhibitor is applied through standard injection systems and monitored using advanced real-time methods such as Thickness Shear Mode Resonators (TSMR). These monitoring techniques allow for precise control of chemical dosages and timely adjustments based on real-time data, ensuring optimal protection at all times.

Three spheres with dots on them are floating in the air

Operational Flexibility

Compatible with a wide range of water chemistries and production conditions, our scale and corrosion inhibitor adapts to changing field scenarios.

For more detailed technical specifications and to discuss how our product can be tailored to your specific needs, please contact our technical support team.


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