DosSurf™ 80 Non-Emulsifier

Medium to Heavy Crude Oil Emulsion Modifier

DosSurf™ 80 Non-Emulsifier

Environmentally Friendly

DOSAS DosSurf™ 80 Non-Emulsifying Agent provide emulsion-prevention in aqueous solutions, of water and oil emulsions in a high brine of up to 150000 TDS or highly acidic of up to 30 wt% acid environments, having applicability within a medium to heave range of crude oils. When added to brines and acidic solutions, it acts as a protective barrier between oil and fluid, preventing emulsion and preserving reservoir oil while maintaining fluid properties.

Sharp Interface Clear Aqueous Phase

DosSurf™ 80 Non-Emulsifying Agent was assessed for its ability to resolve an interface in the high acidic environment. The interface was resolved relatively rapidly, approximately one minute. Nearly complete coalescence was apparent after 15 minutes where minor amounts of crude remained e.g., non-coalesced. After 30 minutes, nearly all the crude coalesced from the acid into the crude and leaving a sharp interface and clear aqueous phase.


  • Fracturing high dense brines
  • Acidizing operations
  • Medium to heavy crude


  • Compatible with other additives
  • Environmentally Friendly Solution
  • >60% Biodegradation
  • <3 Bioaccumulation Log Pow
  • >10 mg/L Toxicity - EC / LC50

Sample Order | DosSurf™ 80 Non-Emulsifier

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